Rachael Ray

So, are you a fan of Rachael Ray? She definitely helped those of us who are not Martha Stewart to feel somewhat more adequate in the kitchen. With everything else going on, there just isn't enough time to go grocery shopping, unload the groceries, prep, cook, serve and clean up every night. Phew! I'm exhausted just thinking of it!

I recently received Rachael Ray's Look + Cook cookbook as a gift. Seeing the steps does seem to help a bit. I'm excited for some time during the holidays to attempt some of the recipes.

What are your thoughts on the Rachael Ray pots and pans? I love the bright colors. Using ceramics and cast iron is also much healthier . . . that is without the teflon non-stick coating. The catch is that ceramics and cast iron are so heavy. That's why I still like the Earth Pans a little better. 

My other question about Rachael Ray cookware is the shape. The oblong shapes look really neat but I have round electric burners. I don't think the food would heat evenly in the oblong pots. I'm wondering if that's not an issue if you use a gas top stove.

Have you had any experiences with the Rachael Ray cookware that you would like to share? I would love to hear from you! Feel free to fill out the form on this page and I'll post your comment on the site. Thanks in advance for taking time to share your thoughts!



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